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No.1339 Re^5: Kawari 8.x OtherLanguage Support Request - cha -
[2003/08/15(Fri) 07:49:16] [レス先No.1337] [親記事No.1333]
cause someone and I am very lazy... OoO..
the data(how to make ghost) about Nanika just translated a little.
there's just a few chinese ghosts.
you can visit the below link.


it's the main Nanika center in chinese.

my computer got a big problem,many functions can't use,and now i am a student....so maybe i will leave Nanika's world for a long time too..

No.1337 Re^4: Kawari 8.x OtherLanguage Support Request - 酔狂(suikyo)@KDT -
[2003/08/10(Sun) 05:09:00] [レス先No.1336] [親記事No.1333]
Now we've started i18n work.
UTF-8 support will come.
GB2312/Big5 or some may become options (spec is not fixed).

But, as you know, we are very SLOW;(
So, don't trust us... We can't say "when".

By the way, cause long time I left from "nanika" world,
I don't know how these are going in other countries.
Would someone tell me some pointers or links?
I mean such like chinese or korean ghosts, systems, support softwares.


> > It's great!
> > Thanks!
> :)
> I'm waiting for it.
> By the way,Can 8.x support GB2312 code?

No.1336 Re^3: Kawari 8.x OtherLanguage Support Request - Waiting for the nearest release.... -
[2003/07/31(Thu) 22:05:59] [レス先No.1335] [親記事No.1333]
> It's great!
> Thanks!
I'm waiting for it.
By the way,Can 8.x support GB2312 code?

No.1335 Re^2: Kawari 8.x OtherLanguage Support Request - 上神叉(cha) -
[WWW-Page] [2003/07/23(Wed) 18:43:33] [レス先No.1334] [親記事No.1333]
It's great!

No.1334 Re: Kawari 8.x OtherLanguage Support Request - Sato@KAWARI Development Team -
[E-Mail] [2003/07/22(Tue) 01:23:01] [レス先No.1333]
> Cause Kawari 8.x's function is very better than 7.x
> so can you let kawari to support "UTF-8"?
> just support this,every language can use it.

Actually, an internationalization patch for Kawari 8.0.0 exists already.
It can deal with "UTF-8", of cause.
# made by whoami and Sanori. thanks.
But, this patch causes a functional collision to Kawari 8.1.0.
So, please wait for a while.

> P.S E-Middle Team is translating the data of Kawari 7.x(which in http://kawari.sourceforge.net/) to chinese.
Very thanks!

No.1333 Kawari 8.x OtherLanguage Support Request - 上神叉(cha) -
[WWW-Page] [2003/07/18(Fri) 23:51:44]
Cause Kawari 8.x's function is very better than 7.x
so can you let kawari to support "UTF-8"?
just support this,every language can use it.

P.S E-Middle Team is translating the data of Kawari 7.x(which in http://kawari.sourceforge.net/) to chinese.

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